Teaching the truth of Christ through apologetics: the logical, historical, and scientific defense of Jesus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque interdum est nisl, placerat tempor dui feugiat ut. Etiam nisl odio, hendrerit sed tincidunt ultrices, porttitor quis leo. Duis vehicula ut elit et convallis. Suspendisse vel eros pretium, auctor sem vitae, congue odio. Sed finibus faucibus mollis. Praesent magna diam, rhoncus a tempus vel, lobortis et massa. Praesent maximus pulvinar nisi nec bibendum. Sed justo neque, gravida nec venenatis a, ullamcorper at tortor. Morbi accumsan scelerisque neque. Duis elit purus, volutpat ac orci non, pharetra luctus leo.
Donec bibendum aliquet lacus. Sed eu lobortis ipsum. Vivamus ultrices mattis dictum. In fermentum purus eget nulla egestas tempor. Duis pharetra luctus magna, in pulvinar sem ullamcorper tempor. Nulla malesuada fringilla sapien vitae luctus. Phasellus lacinia semper nisi, ac sagittis eros gravida sed. Vestibulum eget tincidunt nunc, eu fermentum odio. Mauris lacus massa, porta ut ornare in, tempor eget ligula. Pellentesque quis hendrerit ex. Cras sit amet aliquet nulla. Sed ut massa arcu. Quisque at mi eu sapien rhoncus gravida a vitae massa. Donec sed turpis eget odio posuere congue sed sit amet libero.
You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read
John MacArthur
Ut varius ultricies eros a malesuada. Sed egestas libero vel leo tempus, ac ultrices sem dignissim. Aliquam et odio lobortis, gravida erat quis, tincidunt sem. Ut et arcu vel felis viverra bibendum. Quisque semper eros nec ante interdum viverra. Sed efficitur, sapien ac varius feugiat, dolor lectus tristique quam, sit amet condimentum orci tortor et massa. Vivamus vel ex massa. Cras ornare gravida lorem. Integer lobortis rutrum molestie. Quisque tristique sem nibh, in eleifend tortor pellentesque a. Suspendisse augue ipsum, tempus at nunc ultrices, iaculis placerat enim.
“When asked why I believe what I believe, my answer is simple: Given the evidence, my worldview is the only one that makes logical sense.”
Devin Tracy, Founder
Devin came to Christ in a conversation with someone evangelizing at the fair. He knew he didn’t get all of the information he wanted, but he got what he needed to give his life to Christ:
“I don’t have a testimony of being raised in the church, growing up in a house of believers, and knowing Christ for as long as I can remember. I also don’t have a testimony of some great epiphany moment, or a miracle that showed me the truth of God. No, Christ used apologetics to bring me home.”
He too began evangelizing for some time, but he had many directions his life could take him and he spent time focusing on different things. Not forsaking God, but not giving everything.
“God gave me a vision when I was just 18 years old, he told me he is going to use me to teach the world about him. For five years I have been reluctant to share that part of my testimony. For five years I have tried to build my own life, with my own goals and my own dreams. For five years I have listened to God about almost everything in my life, but treated that calling to share, to teach, as something I would do “some day.”
After some time God began to move again and would not sit still. Eventually, Devin was called to go deeper into his involvement in the Christian community, including mission work.
“It was in obedience to God that I traveled to the other side of the world for mission work my senior year of College…” As time moved on he began to realize that God would not have anything less than all of him, and so he embraced it. He began the transition of committing his time, money, business, and everything motivated by moving God’s kingdom forward.
“…It is in obedience to God that I am back in school now, and that I am studying apologetics. And it is obedience to God that I am running Speaking in Defense Ministries.” God has made his plans clear to me, and I can no longer deny it. It is time for me to share.
I am still learning, and I don’t claim to be an expert in any way. But God has called me to share what I know, so in obedience to him, I am teaching what I know, and helping others to know the truth as well.
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
Defender’s Academy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque interdum est nisl, placerat tempor dui feugiat ut. Etiam nisl odio, hendrerit sed tincidunt ultrices, porttitor quis leo. Duis vehicula ut elit et convallis. Suspendisse vel eros pretium, auctor sem vitae, congue odio. Sed finibus faucibus mollis. Praesent magna diam, rhoncus a tempus vel, lobortis et massa. Praesent maximus pulvinar nisi nec bibendum. Sed justo neque, gravida nec venenatis a, ullamcorper at tortor. Morbi accumsan scelerisque neque. Duis elit purus, volutpat ac orci non, pharetra luctus leo.
Donec bibendum aliquet lacus. Sed eu lobortis ipsum.